Next: Topology Up: CMBR Observations Previous: Dark Matter InflationDuring the accelerated expansion phase which characterizes inflation, generation and amplification of quantum fluctuations are unavoidable. During this epoch, quantum fluctuations leave the Hubble horizon, reentering in later times to seed matter fluctuations responsible for the structure formation process. These matter overdensities couple to the radiation field to generate the well-known CMB temperature anisotropies. In today's scenario of precision cosmology, experimental efforts are mainly
devoted to measurements of CMB polarization, as it will allow to break the
degeneracy of fundamental cosmological parameters. Furthermore, detection of its
B-mode will provide a strong evidence for the theory of inflation, since one of
its three core predictions is the existence of a relic background of nearly
scale-invariant gravitational waves with generation of B-mode anisotropies in
the CMB (see, e.g., [16]). The other two
predictions for testing the inflationary framework have already been nearly
confirmed: a spatially flat Universe (
CMB temperature anisotropies have been the focus of attention during the
90's. The 2003 WMAP results set a new standard for anisotropies measurements and
their amplitude and distribution properties now seem to be well understood [2].
This fact shifted the main focus of experimental cosmology to CMB polarization.
Recently, there were reports of TE (Temperature
Next: Topology Up: CMBR Observations Previous: Dark Matter carlos alexandre wuensche 2005-07-07 |