Next: Dark Matter Up: CMBR Observations Previous: Introduction Dark EnergyPresent CMB datasets, combined with information about extragalactic or other
cosmological observers, such as the SN 1a data sample, the gas fraction of
galaxy clusters and the Hubble parameter, offer a powerful tool to probe the
space of cosmological parameters. t allows, at the same time, the investigation
of the properties, initial value and evolution of dark energy (hereafter DE),
setting bounds on the CMB data are probably the most powerful and sensitive of these data, although
subjected to substantial limitations (good sky coverage, systematic errors, very
good sensitivity, etc.). The positions of the CMB acoustic peaks are mostly
sensitive to variations of the DE equation of state. Most of that sensitivity
arises from the dependence of the distance to the last-scattering surface upon
the time history of Several authors have discussed different combinations of the abovementioned
datasets to study the nature and properties of DE. A good starting reference is
the paper from Huterer and Turner [10],
where they compare a number of approaches to combine different observations to
constrain An example of combined CMB and LSS measurements was proposed by Hu &
Scranton [8]. They correlate the integrated
Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect and galaxy survey catalogs, claiming that a simple
detection of the correlation can impose a Balbi et al. [1] use only the Fisher information matrix (see [22] for the formalism description) with cosmological parameters as measured by CMB experiments (including temperature and polarization) to set stringent limits on the dark energy component. There are also attempts to estimate dark energy based only on CMB acoustic peaks measurements, with the interesting possibility to allow discrimination between the original cosmological constant (which starts dominating at very recent redshifts) and a quintessential model, which, in principle, would be present since recombination [6]. Both of the above methods are, in principle, immediately testable with current experiments and can become useful tools when the next generation of CMB experiments come to play in the upcoming years. We recall that the use of CMB for any cosmological measurement, including
dark energy, has the great advantage that CMB perturbations are linear and
therefore relatively simple to describe. With any other observable from LSS, we
need to fully understand the non-linear structure formation in dark energy
cosmology. As a closing remark, we should stress that while in the near term CMB
anisotropy will provide the first measurements of
Next: Dark Matter Up: CMBR Observations Previous: Introduction carlos alexandre wuensche 2005-07-07 |